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网址:sybaojie.oy56.cn  2022-11-10  作者:admin    阅读:

Problems in cleaning of exterior wall
1. The operation and construction personnel shall actively cooperate with the customer to supervise the construction quality and accept the customer's leadership and inspection. The unqualified projects shall be rectified immediately without any bad feelings. We must always adhere to the professional attitude that customers are God.
2. When communicating with customers, operators must be polite, considerate and kind, not contradict customers, and communicate politely.
3. All equipment and facilities of customers must be protected in the process of construction.
4、 作为专业外墙清洗公司,必须请求施工人员地变电阻柜 精密铸造 中频电炉设备 保定断桥铝门窗 保定养老院 镜子批发 启闭机全信守公司与客户商定的各项条款按标准施职业业;作业过程中必须严格执行各项安全操作规范及质量标准,保质保量的实现任务。
4. As a professional external wall cleaning company, the construction personnel must be requested to fully abide by the terms and conditions agreed by the company and the customer to carry out the professional industry according to the standards; during the operation process, the safety operation specifications and quality standards must be strictly implemented to achieve the tasks of quality and quantity.
5 、作业现场应信守客户或相干管理的规定,文明施工,不得影响他人办公或生活。
5. The operation site shall abide by the regulations of the customer or relevant management, conduct civilized construction, and shall not affect other people's office or life.

