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网址:sybaojie.oy56.cn  2022-11-02  作者:admin    阅读:

Operation mode of land reclamation and cleaning for exterior wall cleaning

唐山刷房  保定强夯 卷扬式启闭机  保定网站制作 收费岛模具 遮阳网 麻绳

1. Hanging operation mode of seat plate single sling: workers use the hanging plate (rope) to slide to the specified position for construction operation. This construction method has the characteristics of convenience, flexibility and high safety factor. At the same time, it occupies less resources, which can minimize the impact on the owner's daily work and life. Hanging basket method: erect hanging basket on the roof to transport workers to the designated position for construction operation. This construction method has low cleaning efficiency and high cost.
2. Aerial spider Cart: use spider cart, elevator and other platform equipment to transport workers to the designated position for construction operation. This construction method has great limitations and is generally applicable to difficult projects below 36 meters. It is rarely used due to high cost. Track window cleaning machine: track window cleaning machine is reserved during the construction of some high-rise buildings. This construction method is the same as the hanging basket method, but it is easy to move.
3. Indoor double-sided wiping method: double-sided magnetic glass scraper is used for cleaning some glass external windows. This method can be used indoors, but it has low efficiency and poor reliability. It is widely used in the south. Due to the magnetic strength, it has little effect on hollow double-layer glass.

