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网址:sybaojie.oy56.cn  2021-12-08  作者:admin    阅读:

在地毯的使用期内,有时用吸尘器清扫也无法恢复地毯清洁的外观。判断是否需要彻底清洗有四个主要指标:地毯缠结并且令人感到粘乎乎的;地毯颜色和你留存的新地毯的边角料的颜色不再一样;椅子周围的地毯有整圈的污渍;在你跑过房间时地毯会河北立体车库 消防报警器塑料配件 电缆接地箱 电缆保护接地箱 塑料土工格栅 消弧线圈装置 涌起大量的灰尘。
In the service life of carpet, sometimes it is impossible to restore the clean appearance of carpet by vacuuming. There are four main indicators to determine whether a thorough cleaning is needed: the carpet is tangled and sticky; the carpet color is not the same as the leftover material of the new carpet you keep; the carpet around the chair has a whole circle of stains; the carpet will be filled with a lot of dust when you run across the room.
If your carpet meets any of the above four conditions, it needs to be thoroughly cleaned. If you don't have the time and energy for a thorough cleaning, it's best to ask a professional to do it.

