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网址:sybaojie.oy56.cn  2021-11-24  作者:admin    阅读:

虽然美缝剂和环氧彩砂都是用于瓷砖美缝的材料,但是在施工程度上却差很多。美缝剂在使用时必须要保证瓷砖缝隙是干净无尘且完全干燥的,才能进行打胶处理,而这个打胶又比较耗时耗力,之后还得进行压缝、等待固化等,工序相对复杂,难度也更大。环氧彩砂的话,需要进行抹光,否则粗糙的表面容易藏污纳垢。环氧彩砂实用性更强,卫生间环境比较潮湿,最担心后期出现美缝脱落的问题,因而从粘结力来说,环氧彩砂填缝比较实在,进水后,具有钢制闸门 钢坝 保定轻钢别墅 保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定办公家具 保定空调维修 防潮的效果,不会轻易脱落,使用寿命更长。环氧彩砂适用的环境更广泛,卫生间多选择小规格瓷砖进行施工,而环氧彩砂本身更适合用于缝隙较多的,小规格的瓷砖(马赛克)上;美缝剂更适用于大规格的瓷砖,比如客厅、卧室的地面、墙面瓷砖施工中。
Although both the tacking agent and epoxy colored sand are used for ceramic tile tacking, they are far from satisfactory in construction. When using the seaming agent, it is necessary to ensure that the ceramic tile gap is clean, dust-free and completely dry, so as to carry out the gluing treatment. However, this gluing is time-consuming and labor-consuming. After that, it is necessary to carry out joint pressing, waiting for curing, etc. the process is relatively complex and more difficult. If epoxy colored sand is used, it needs to be troweled, otherwise the rough surface is easy to contain dirt and scale. The epoxy colored sand is more practical, the toilet environment is relatively wet, and the most worry about the problem of the fall off of the American Joint in the later period. Therefore, from the perspective of the adhesive force, the epoxy colored sand joint filling is more practical. After water inflow, it has the effect of moisture-proof, will not fall off easily, and has a longer service life. Epoxy colored sand is more suitable for a wide range of environments. In the bathroom, small-sized ceramic tiles are mostly used for construction, while epoxy colored sand itself is more suitable for small-sized ceramic tiles (mosaics) with more gaps. The seaming agent is more suitable for large-sized ceramic tiles, such as the floor and wall tiles in the living room and bedroom.

