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网址:sybaojie.oy56.cn  2021-11-08  作者:admin    阅读:

According to different building structures and wall materials, according to the binding force of dirt and object surface, professional exterior wall cleaning agent and glass cleaning agent are selected, scaffold, bracket, basket or sling are used, and equipment including high-pressure water gun and cleaning machine are used for construction operation.
都市中的外墙常年经历风吹雨淋日晒,通常情况下会被空气中的灰尘附着表面。为了城市的整体美观,在现代都市中一种新兴的行业,高空清洗。从事这种行业的人员为专业经过培训的高空操作工人,利用高空操作绳、安全绳、高空坐板(或吊板、吊篮等)进行自上而下的针对大楼外墙材料进行刷洗清洁制剂、清洗污垢灰尘的工作。这种工作风险性极大,所以安全性由为重要,在选择质量流水槽钢模具 不锈钢铸件 扭王字块模具 井盖钢模具 标志桩模具 调匝式消弧线圈 风冷控制柜 烤漆龙骨合格的操作绳和安全绳的同时,还要合理的进行科学制剂配比,才能使得大楼外墙清洗的美观、干净、环保、安全,才可以使大楼外墙装饰材料寿命延长。
The outer wall of the city experiences wind, rain and sun all the year round, usually it will be attached to the surface by the dust in the air. For the overall beauty of the city, in the modern city, a new industry, high-altitude cleaning. The personnel engaged in this industry are professional and trained high-altitude operators, who use high-altitude operation rope, safety rope, high-altitude sitting board (or hanging board, hanging basket, etc.) to brush and clean preparations and dirt and dust for building exterior wall materials from top to bottom. This kind of work is of great risk, so the safety is of great importance. While selecting qualified operation rope and safety rope, scientific preparation proportion shall be carried out reasonably, so as to make the building exterior wall clean, beautiful, clean, environmental friendly and safe, and prolong the service life of building exterior wall decoration materials.

